Refund deposits and credits on accounts
When to use this procedure
Use this procedure to refund outstanding deposits and credits on a customer account.
A customer places a special order for a Bernina embroidery machine and gives you a $200 deposit. Later, she decided against the Bernina leaving an outstanding credit on her customer account. To refund the customer's $200 deposit, you would access the Refund Deposit/Credit window, select the invoice to refund, and click Save to complete the refund on the Return Payments window.
The settlement option selected when you settled with a consignor was credit. At that time, a credit of $30.00 was applied to his account. Later, he makes a purchase in your store and uses $20.00 of that credit. He would like the remaining $10.00 of credit paid to him in cash. To do so, you would access the Refund Deposit/Credit window, select the credit on his account, and click Save to complete the refund on the Return Payments window.
Steps to complete
- On the Modules menu, do one of the following to access the Refund Deposit/Credit window.
- Point to Returns and click Refund Deposit Credit.
- Point to Inventory, then to Consignment & Purchase, and click Refund Deposit/Credit.
Or, if you have the IndustryType system variable set to Consignment, click the Refund Deposit/Credit button on the Main button bar.
- On the Pick Customer window, search for or select a customer and click Select. The Refund Deposit/Credit window displays.
- If necessary for accounting purposes, update the location to which the refund should be saved in the Loc box.
- If necessary, select a different tax authority in the Tax box.
- If necessary, change the date on which to record the refund in the Date box.
- Select the check boxes in the Select column of the Outstanding Items grid for each invoice you want to refund.
- Enter any notes for the refund.
- Click Save. The Return Payments window displays where you can enter your payments to the customer.